Rabu, 23 November 2016


Reported speech or what we used to called Indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken. We use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask', and we may use the word 'that' to introduce the reported words. Meanwhile Direct speech or what we used to called Quoted Speech is words or sentences uttered by a person.

There are 4 types of Direct & Indirect Speech           :
1.      Statement                    :
·         Direct Speech              : “I’m hungry”
·         Indirect Speech           : She said she was hungry.
2.      Imperative/Command :
·         Direct Speech              : “Close the Door!”
·         Indirect Speech           : She said to closed the door.
3.      Information Question :
·         Direct Speech              : “What’s your name again?”
·         Indirect Speech           : She asked me to tell her my name.
4.      Yes/No Question        :
·         Direct Speech              : Have you brush your teeth yet?
·         Indirect Speech           : She asked me whether I have brushed my teeth or not.

Direct Speech to Indirect Speech.
There some rules for changing Direct into Indirect speech.
1.      The adverbs of nearness should be put into those of distance.
Ex: Now into Then, Last night into the previous night, etc.
2.      Tenses
Direct Speech
Reported Speech
Simple Present
She said, “I am hungry”
Simple Past
She said that she was hungry
Present Progressive
She said, “I am cooking Lasagna”
Past Progressive
She said that she was cooking lasagna.
Simple Past
She said, “I watched Frozen with her”
Past Perfect Simple
She said that she had watched Frozen with her
Present Perfect
She said, “I have watched the show”
Past Perfect
She said that she had watched the show.
Past Perfect
Nana said, “I had finished my dinner”
Past Perfect
Nana said that she had finished her dinner
Past Progresive
Loli said, “I was writing  when Ana came
Past Perfect Progressive
Loli said she had been writing when Ana had came
Present Perfect Progressive
Loli said, “I have been sleeping all day in my bedroom”
Past Perfect Progressive
Loli said she had been sleeping all day in her bedroom.
Past Perfect Progressive
Ana said, “I had been sleeping when they came
Past Perfect Progressive
Ana said that she had been sleeping when they had came
Future Simple (will+verb)
Ana said, “I will call them”
Conditional (would+verb)
Ana said that she would call them
Conditional (would+verb)
Ana said, “I would call him if I were you”
Conditional (would+verb)
Ana said that she would call him if she had been me

Conclusion          :
Ø  We used to call Reported speech as Indirect speech
Ø  We used to call Quoted speech as direct speech
Ø  When we try to transform direct speech into indirect speech we need to define the type of the sentence first then mind the adverbs of time and the tenses.

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